Society for International Education iEARN Centre - Jobs in Pakistan-Islamabad

Society for International Education iEARN Centre - Jobs in Pakistan-Islamabad
English Access Micro scholarship Program
Experienced and dynamic  English Language Teaching professionals required for part-time positions
in Rawalpindi/Islamabad for teaching tngli3h language in fter-5chooI classes to students (age 14 to 16)
from underprivileged background. Interested teachers with Masters or Bachelors degree in English
Language (linguistics/literature) from reputable Universities or organizations are invited to apply.
Candidates with qualifications in other areas but having strong experience In teaching English may
also apply. Handsome salary package with a minimum two-year contract will be offered to the
selected teachers. Interested applicants can e-mail their CV with a covering letter to The General

Manager, Society for International Education at latest by 2 October 2012
Access Program is sponsored by U.S. Embassy Islamabad.

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