USAID(FROM AMERICAN PEOPLE)Citizens Voice Project-Jobs In Pakistan

USAID(FROM AMERICAN PEOPLE)Citizens Voice Project Request for Applications — Cycle 4
Under a contract with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for Citizens Voice
Project, Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) is seeking applications from eligible and
qualified organizations for grants in selected thematic areas. The Project has three objectives: 1) Strengthened Citizens Voice (Policy Advocacy and Government Oversight); 2) Enhanced Capacity (Organizational Development and Targeted Trainings); and, 3) Improved Accountability (State-Private Sector linkages and government civil society relationship).Interested registered Pakistani organizations (e.g. community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, private sector organizations, professional and business associations, law firms, research institutes and think-tanks) are invited to  submit applications identifying innovative models for strengthening citizens’ voice and improving public accountability. Thematic areas for which grant applications are being solicited are:
• Citizens’ Awareness for Higher Female Voter Turnout
•Citizens’ Voice for Independent, Free and Responsible Media
• Citizens’ Voice and Accountability for Youth Development
• Citizens’ Voice for Effective Grievance Redress through the Offices of Ombudsmen
Please visit our website for Request for Application documents including instructions for applicants, eligibility criteria, thematic areas, program descriptions, technical activity areas, target number and duration of grants,funding allocation for specific thematic areas, geographical focus, grant application forms and contact information.
Applications must be received online by 1600hrs PST on October 18, 2012. Applications received after the
closing date and time will not be entertained. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications well In advance of the deadline ¡n order to avoid possible technological issues relating to the online system.
Applicants shall bear all costs associated with preparation and filing of applications. The Project shall fund
applications deemed as most-advantageous for its objectives, providing the best value; and reserves the right to make no awards.
Grants Management Committee
Citizens’ Voice Project
Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA)
Islamabad - Pakistan

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